Daniel Carter

Composer Publisher Author

Come Unto Him-Solo Voice, C Instrument and Piano, Composer, Daniel Carter Music
Come unto Him—Solo Voice, C Instrument and Piano
Shine For Me Again, Star of Bethlehem-Medium Range Vocal Solo, Composer, Daniel Carter Music
Shine for Me Again, Star of Bethlehem—Medium-Range Vocal Solo
All Creatures of Our God and King-Piano Solo or Medium Range Vocal Solo and Piano, Composer, Daniel Carter Music
All Creatures of Our God and King—Piano Solo or Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
Away in a Manger-Medium Range Vocal Solo, Composer, Daniel Carter Music
Away in a Manger—Medium-Range Vocal Solo
What Does Christmas Mean?—Vocal Solo
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing—Medium-range Vocal Solo
I Need Thee Every Hour—Medium-range Vocal Solo
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I Stand All Amazed—Flute and Piano or Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
My Voice Thou Shall Hear in the Morning—Vocal Solo and Piano
There Is a Green Hill Far Away—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano or SATB Choir and Piano
To Bring Them to Thee—Medium-Range Vocal Solo
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When I Think of You—Mother's Day/Father's Day Vocal Solo
How Can I Keep from Singing?—Medium-Range Vocal Solo, Flute and Piano
God be With You Till We Meet Again—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
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Silent Night—High-Range Solo Voice, Flute and Piano
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Guiding Star—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
A Dawning Light—Cantata, SATB Chorus and Piano
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Love Divine, All Loves Excelling—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
The Light of Love—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
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Love and Hope That Heal—SATB Choir and Piano or Medium-Range Vocal Solo
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Abide with Me!—Medium-Range Voice and Piano
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I Sing to Bless My Savior's Name—Medium-Range Vocal Duet or Vocal Solo and Piano
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This Earth Was Once a Garden Place—High and Medium-Range Solo Voice, Fiddle, and Piano
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Be the Love the World Needs—All Arrangements
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I Along with Morning and Evening Sing—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty—SATB Choir, or High and Medium Vocal Solo
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I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
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See How the Savior Stands a Pleading—High Voice, Medium Voice Solos
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Amazing Grace—High-Range and Medium-Range Vocal Solo, Fiddle, and Piano
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Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
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Mankind May Have Joy—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
All Things Bright and Beautiful—Medium-Range Vocal Solo or Intermediate-Advanced Piano Solo
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O My Father—High-Range or Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
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Lead, Kindly Light—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano
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Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me—Medium-Range Vocal Solo and Piano