Daniel Carter

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37th Anniversary of "Shine for Me Again, Star of Bethlehem"

2018 marks the 37th anniversary of the publication of “Shine for Me Again, Star of Bethlehem.” Sherri Otteson Bird, (the lyricist) and I were only in our 20’s when we collaborated in creating it. Since that time, we have both received messages from all over the world of how the song has affected people for good, bringing hope, peace, consolation and more. These stories never grow old with us. In our own personal ups and downs in life, these stories give us hope to face our challenges and setbacks. So in a very real way, we and you rely on each other this way. And so I think it’s quite accurate to say that we are here to be a blessing to each other. In this world that seems so heavily afflicted with conflict of all kinds, I think on this often, and my hope is that I still have time left to add value to people’s lives, whether I ever get to meet them or not.

I wanted to say thank you personally to all the people who love our song have performed it. Thank you for sending your stories which always brighten any day, and continue to give us hope. Thank you for taking the message of this song with you into your lives, and sharing it with other lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

You can see and hear my Christmas thank you here.

I have often been asked how our song came about. You can read that story here.

My continued thanks to all of you, and I wish for you and your loved ones and friends a joyous holiday season!